
Send A Telemetry Packet

Open a UDP socket, and send a message of type “ADIS” to port 25000 on localhost

from psas_packet import io, messages
from contextlib import closing
import socket
import time

# Data type we're going to use
ADIS = messages.MESSAGES['ADIS']

# Data to pack
data = {
    'VCC': 5.0,
    'Gyro_X': 0.0,
    'Gyro_Y': 0,
    'Gyro_Z': 1,
    'Acc_X': -9.8,
    'Acc_Y': 0,
    'Acc_Z': 0,
    'Magn_X': 53e-6,
    'Magn_Y': 0,
    'Magn_Z': 0,
    'Temp': 20,
    'Aux_ADC': 0,

# Open a UDP socket
with closing(socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)) as sock:
    sock.bind(('', 0))
    sock.connect(('', 25000))

    # Network IO class, with our socket as connection
    net = io.Network(sock)

    # send just data (no header)
    #             type, sequence no, data
    net.send_data(ADIS,           0, data)